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What dates do you offer the clinic?

The second annual Wyoming Snake Avoidance Training for Dogs will be offered at Camplex Park in Gillette, Wyoming on June 16th 2019.


Where are you located within Camplex Park?

We will be setup at shelter 3 in Camplex park.


What should I bring to the clinic?

Outdoor footwear for rugged terrain (no flip flops, high heels, or bare feet), 6′-10′ leash, the standard collar on your dog (no pinch, slip, pronged, or e-collars).


What does the training involve?

The training is One-on-One. A Trainer will introduce himself to you and your dog and place an E-collar on your dog. You may ask the Trainer questions throughout the course of the training. The Trainer will give you instructions as you encounter each snake scenario. As the three of you go through the course, the Trainer will give your dog an E-collar correction, as needed, and you and your dog will run a short distance away from the snake scenario. Ultimately, if a correction is given we want your dog to think the snake just bit them and to avoid such a situation in the future. You will give your dog praise if he or she naturally avoids the snake scenario, otherwise, there is no need to give commands or instructions to your dog.


Will the E-collar stimulation hurt my dog?

No. When your dog receives an E-collar correction, for a split second there will be discomfort. There is no residual physical effect to your dog.


Can I use my own E-collar at the clinic?

No. Our Trainers have their own equipment that is set up to not interfere with other Trainers at the clinic.


Why does my dog need to be 6 months or older?

Puppies generally trust everyone and everything and have not had enough negative experiences to fully grasp the aversion training. Once they are older and have learned how to avoid negative consequences in everyday life, the training will be more effective. Aversion training involves a great deal of pressure in a very a short period of time. Regular obedience training is relatively pleasant and subtle over a long period of time. Teaching your dog to avoid situations that could put him/her in harm’s way is best accomplished with aversion training at the proper age.


Can my family/friends walk with me through the course?

There are plenty of viewing opportunities along the course for your friends/family to watch from a distance. We require that you and your dog, along with the Trainer, go through the course alone. Your dog will be in an intensive training session requiring the Handler (you) to focus on instructions from the Trainer, pay attention to the location of the snake scenario and respond quickly to your dog’s reactions as the three of you go through the snake obstacle course. In addition, it puts too many people in the field causing interference, distractions, and delays for the dogs, handlers, and trainers.


How do I pay?

Use the Registration form on this site and pay with a credit card or Paypal.


Can my dog have a refresher course for free?

No. You are welcome to run the course again for the standard cost.


I want to see what my dog will do upon seeing a snake at the 1st obstacle. I would like this opportunity to be free, is this possible?

No. You are welcome to run the course for the standard cost.


How often should my dog attend the clinic?

Your dog will be going through intensive aversion training NOT obedience training. Most dogs only need to attend the clinic once in their lifetime. However, we recommend continuing education. Dogs are like people, they all learn and retain information at a different rate. You know your dog best. This event is an excellent opportunity to set your dog up for success in the form of a negative experience with snakes in a controlled environment.


Do you offer a guarantee?

We make every effort to train each dog to avoid snakes. We are working with live animals that are unpredictable. In the wild, any one of the dog’s senses may be blocked while encountering a snake. 


Do you use live rattlesnakes?

No. We use Gopher snakes, fake snakes and rattlesnake sounds.


Then how will my dog have an aversion to rattlesnakes?

Gopher snakes look and act very similar to rattlesnakes. They even mimic the sound of a rattlesnake. The training is designed to teach dogs to avoid snakes in general. Many dogs that go through the course are hunting dogs that travel all over the country where there are various kinds of poisonous snakes. In addition, some dogs do not have good hearing or sense of smell. That is why we teach them to avoid a snake by sight.


What is the Versatile Hunting Dogs of Wyoming?

VHDW is a local gun dog group geared towards the training and testing of versatile hunting dogs (dogs bred for work before and after the shot on land and in the water). We believe in breeding better hunting dogs and long-lived family companions by utilizing the science of progeny testing to increase selection pressure for desired traits. VHDW is an affiliate of the Versatile Hunting Dog Federation Our members host one Versatile Hunting Dog Federation tests and Wyoming Premier Rattlesnake Avoidance Training for Dogs each year. VHDW also hosts several training sessions each year for dog owners that have dogs entered in the local progeny, performance, and conformation/structure evaluations.


How much are the club dues and how do I become a member?

VHDW annual dues are $40. Communication for training events and VHDW hunt tests is handled through social media and email.

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